
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Effective Infertility Treatment

The sensitive issue of infertility treatment is best approached by the couple. Treatment cannot be left alone to either one, both should work together to achieve the objective of bearing a child.

The basic requirement however is to determine who among the spouses are infertile. It may be hard for the subject spouse to accept the fact, but it is a necessary step towards treatment. The important thing is for both of them to support each other and exercise tender loving care to the each other.

There are several treatments available today. Each of these treatments should be evaluated to consider all the risks and the side effects, the benefits, and the cost. Weighing all these factors and considering all possibilities allow the spouses to come to the best option to take.

For a start, the following basic information should be considered: the age of the couple, the health condition of the spouses, considering also their history of past illnesses and other information that will help arrive at a decision.

1. Surgery

Surgical operation to correct problems in the reproductive organs of the woman is one of the most effective treatments. This treatment can also be combined together with other methods of treatment.

2. Medicine

Drugs and special medicines that will induce production of sperm and make it stronger to reach the egg is another option. This method also is best combined with other methods of treatment.

3. Artificial insemination

This method requires the intervention of medical technology. Also called as intrauterine insemination, this is widely used not only among humans but also in livestock development in agriculture.

This method is being done through the following steps:

• The woman is treated with medication to ensure the production of healthy egg cell.
• Semen is taken from the man through masturbation.
• The semen is then processed to concentrate the sperm cells.
• The vagina and the cervical are is cleaned.
• The semen is then injected in the uterus for the sperm to join with the egg cell.

The artificial insemination is best during ovulation period, when the egg cell is at its best to accept the sperm cell. Moreover, this treatment is being done only for those who are under 40 years old. This will not work also if the man has fertility problems. If the sperm count is few and not very active, it may not be able to join the egg cell despite the use of artificial insemination.

Whatever the method, it is important that the spouses will have a relaxed environment without worries. Stressful environment will always hinder the capacity of the couple to bear a child.

Infertility in itself is a stressful situation and added with worries in work or business; the burden may be too heavy for the spouse to carry. As much as possible, natural method is the best. Infertility treatment should only be resorted to in extreme cases, or when the age is gradually catching up.


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